
First steps in Vizi-Modeler 7

MSI Package Installation

Get the Package from: https://www.itp-commerce.com/download (follow the link to the MSI packages up there) These packages can be used with msiexec and are suitable for silent installations in a package distribution environment. For a silent installation use the command below: C:\> msiexec /i vm71_#####_[x86|x64].msi /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS=”/S /L=[EN|DE|FR|JA]” where ##### stands for the current build number, x86 for the 32 bit version and x64 for the 64 bit version of Visio. The supported language parameters are EN (English), DE (German), FR […]

Stencil is unavailable

If you want to create a new BPMN 2.0 diagram but you Stencil with the elements is not available, you see here how you can insert it in your document.

Model with VM 7

In this article we learn the basics of modeling with VM 7. To be able to model you need the Stencil with all Elements of BPMN 2.0. If you dont have a stencil then u can get further information here.   Insert elements from stencil: To insert elements from your stencil into your diagram you need to drag and drop them at your desired position. Click ono an element and hold your left mouesbutton, then drag it to its destination. […]

Purchase a License

If you want to buy a License go to our Websiter Itp-Commerce.com and visit the shop there. Now u can choose ur preferable Product/License and pay with your credticard by using our payment service. So you have a license..but now what? Further instructions on how to activate your new bought License you can find here

Create a new Diagram

Basically you have four different options to create a new diagram. via Windows menu: Goto Windows Mainmenu and click on all Apps (Win10) or all Programms (Win8 or older) then click on Process Modeler 6 and choose “new BPMN diagram”.             via Backstage: Open your Microsoft Visio click on file “File → new → categories → Businessprocessanalysis → BPMN 2.0 diagram → create“               via Import from: Open your Microsoft Viso and click […]

Licensing and Activation

Licensing and Activation To use the full palette of Process Modeler for Microsoft Visio you need to purchase a license. At info@itp-commerce.com we would enjoy to advise you anytime. Should you choose to use VM7 without a license you still can create diagrams, but you will work with a highly limited function set. There are two types of licenses. Evaluationlicense: This license u can get for free, but it is temporal strongly limited. You can get this license on our […]

Installation Guide

Installation Guide This guide shows you how to take Process Modeler for Microsoft Visio. Process Modeler is a tool for business process modeling, and provided to you as an add-in to Microsoft Visio available. This section leads you through the installation and set-up process of Process Modeler for Microsoft Visio.  Should you encounter any problems during the following procedures, please refer to our support. First goto Itp-commerce.com and scroll down. Now you should see a Link called evaluation download, which […]